Lucrarea a fost aprobata de Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii prin Ordinul nr. 5318 din 21.11.2019 si se gaseste la pozitia nr. 44.Lucrarea este realizata in conformitate cu Curriculumul pentru invatamantul prescolar (3-6/7 ani), aprobat prin O.M. 5233/1.09.2008. Super Safari 2 British English Romanian edition is an English language course that welcomes pro-school children to English through chants, stories, songs and playtime. It helps children pot used to learning in a classroom and develop key linguistic and interpersonal skills, all the while having as much fun as possible. The approach ensures that children using Super Safari begin their English-learning journey with enthusiasm and confidence. So, let’s join Leo and his friends on this exciting adventure! Autori:Herbert Puchta, Gunter Gerngross, Peter Lewis-Jones and Oana Cristina Stoica